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Little Tikes Princess Cosy Coupe Review

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Liv was a very lucky little Lady this Christmas.

So lucky, that her Nanny and Grandad bought her a car to play in with her very own steering wheel and horn!

However, Nanny and Grandad did not put it together, that job was left to Mummy and it was not easy, I would reccomend 2 if not 3 people to put this together as all of the big pieces have to be held together while trying to screw self tapping screws in place.

It was well worth the struggle though! As soon as Liv saw the car Christmas morning she climed straight in and opened most of her presents in there.

It has a parent handle for controlling the car when out and about and also a small storage area.
 The front wheels turn 360 degrees which makes it more manouvarable.

There is also a foot panel which can be inserted if you want to take your little one out in the car to prevent their feet dragging and getting hurt.
Another feature Liv likes is the petrol tank access, she has great fun opeining it up, sticking her finger in then closing it again!
The reccomended age 18 months +, Liv is only 15 months an she is fine in it.

Approximate sizes are Height - 82.5 cm, Width - 40.6 cm and Depth - 77.5 cm.

The maximum user weight is 23kg.

Disclaimer: No payment or product was received in return for this review. All wording and photographs are my own.


  1. When my son,now 32 was, I think around 3, we bought him a new toy car on the market,the Little Tikes Red/yellow Cosy Coupe....since then my other son,now 30 had Little Tykes car, and now, both their sons have them...Kris, 5 has the Police car, had it since 1 and it's still his favourite car....Bless Little Tikes for the best toys.

  2. Thanks for the review - I think my youngest daughter would love this for Christmas!
