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Talking favourite holidays and being prepared at the airport.

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

After a lot of Friends deciding to go abroad for Christmas this year, my Husband and I have found ourselves reminiscing on past holidays.

Our first together was back in 2005 when we had only been a couple for 6 months. We went on a bargain holiday to Bulgaria where it rained for 6 of our 7 days there, all our excursions were cancelled and we only got had enough sunshine for an hour in the outdoor pool the whole week!

However we loved it. We had a great time together, talked got hours, ate/drank too much and still look back on it very fondly. Fast forward ten years and I'm not sure how fun it would be with an almost 3 year old to amuse! Times were very different then though and revolved around bars and restaurants not soft play areas and My Little Pony!

As a couple we have been to a few different places and would sometimes go on a few long weekend breaks instead of an actual holiday.

Once Liv was born we went to Haven in Lincolnshire for her first holiday, along with my Parents. We have been to the Dominican Republic with Family got my 30th Birthday, to Haven with 10 Family members and even to Florida for 3 weeks when Liv was almost 2 - thankfully the internet kept us in the good books allowing us to Facetime the Grandparents on the go - they were not happy we had taken little Miss away for 3 whole weeks I can tell you!

My Husbands favourite holiday with his family was Disneyland Paris. My Mother in Law spent many hours entering competitions back then and was very lucky to win a Family holiday!

The holiday that stands out most for me was Zakynthos in Greece way back in 2002 with my Parents and Brother. It was our only family holiday abroad having always holidayed in Devon and Cornwall as a child.

I remember the weather being amazing and the people being ever so friendly. Some of the views were spectacular. My favourite excursion was out to the Navagio (shipwreck) beach in Anafotiria Village. It is the most beautiful sight. It's an exposed cove which holds the wreckage of the Ship Panagiotis which was wrecked on the beach while allegedly smuggling cigarettes in 1983, giving it the nickname "Smugglers Cove".

Isn't it beautiful? The limestone cliffs and sparkling, clear blue waters surrounding the shipwreck make for a must see if you are in the area. It really fascinated me. I would definitely take my little family back. It would be interesting to see how it has held up over the last 12 years or so.

Where was your favourite holiday?

Donating my hair to little princess trust

Monday, 11 November 2019

Back in 2015, we were heading off for a fortnight all inclusive in the beautiful Dominican Republic, when I realised that my bottom length extremely thick hair was going to be hard to handle in the heat!

Copyright Life with Liv

My hair has a tendency to expand width ways in any heat or humidity and the sheer weight of it would cause a headache if restrained into a ponytail. So I made the decision to cut it off to save me the time and worry of styling and trying to calm the frizz while away.

I felt it was such a shame to waste all of my hair that would be cut off, after seeing two members of my family suffer terribly with a hair loss condition called alopecea, I really became aware of how your hair makes you feel as a person.

If you think about it, it can give you confidence when it looks good, it can be used to hide behind like my Mum and a way to express your taste.

It’s quite devastating to have that taken away from you suddenly. Both of my relatives were young women, one lost small patches of her hair which she was extremely conscious about covering and the other simply lost her hair. Virtually over night. All of it.

I mentioned this to a friend one morning over coffee and she asked me if I had thought of donating my hair to the Little Princess trust. I looked them up and discovered that they provide real hair wigs free of chargers children and young adults up to the age of 24, who have lost their hair due to cancer treatments and other illnesses. They do this with human hair donations which means they look very realistic and are able to be styled too.

So, the date was arranged, the hairdresser looked a little pale when I told her my plan and kept asking if I was sure! A few snips later I had just over 18 inches of hair in my hand ready to package up and post.

Copyright Life with Liv

If you are thinking of donating, here are some guidelines from Little Princess Trust:

Hair we are able to use: 

Clean, dry hair in good condition (no split ends) from any gender, and of any natural colour
Straight, wavy, curly, permed or chemically straightened
Containing the occasional grey (less than 10%)
Dyed, bleached/highlighted (any dyes must be of a natural colour)
Ponytails(s) cut a long time ago, preserved in good condition

My then 3 year old was amazed and said I was like Rapunzel in Tangled now!

Next time I intend to try to raise some money via sponsorship too.

Have you ever donated your hair?