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Aquadoodle Review

Saturday, 26 January 2013

I think this is one of the best toys I have seen to date.

The Aquadoodle mat is so clever, you simply unscrew the head from the pen (it unscrews the opposite ways to normal to make it harder for older children to open) fill it with water and away you go!

No mess, no fuss but plenty of drawing and learning fun.

Along the edge of the mat are A - Z pictures with the corresponding capital and lower case letter, this means your little one can learn for example, A is for Apple and also write the letter in both cases, I think that is brilliant!

Once the mat is full of your little artists hard work, simply leave it to dry for a few minutes and it will be clear to start again.

It is recommended for children age 3 and above but Liv has great fun with it (under supervision of course!)

I would definitely recommend this to my Friends and Family, it is a great learning toy and anything that reduces mess is a bargain in my opinion!

Disclaimer: no payment or product was received in exchange for this review. All photographs and words are my own.


  1. I have just bought the rainbow aquadoodle for my granddaughter and agree, it is a great activity toy to have. Stores away easily too! No mess, but lots of fun.

  2. Sounds great! Thanks for the review x
