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Bounce and Spin Zebra Review

Thursday, 10 January 2013

One thing we learnt quickly about Liv is that she loves to jump.
That wasn't a problem when she was small as she had her Jumperoo but since she got too big for that she has taken to sitting herself on your shin and bouncing until you jump her up an down, great fun, except she is the size of a 3 year old!
Before I developed thighs like Rocky, we bought her a Bounce and spin zebra, it is brilliant!

As well as jumping and spinning 360 degrees it plays music (2 volume levels), has flashing lights when it is jumping and has a toy to spin on each handle.
She loves it that much that I couldn't get her to stay still for a picture so here is a blurry action shot!

                                                                                                Here she is spinning around.
I would recommend this toy, it has been really good for helping with co-ordination and burning off some extra energy when it has been too wet to play outside.

Suitable from 12 months, maximum user Weight 19kg.

*Disclaimer* - no payment or product has been provided in exchange for this review. All photographs and wording are my own.

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