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The worlds saddest Christmas tree part 2

Friday, 30 November 2012

Ok the lights are on, slightly less sad . . . . .
Unfortunately the plan seems to be failing, this is how I found Liv after answering the door to the postman
 Yes she has somehow got the fairy lights wire wrapped around her waist. Hubby is not going to happy turning them on and off as the box is now wrapped around the table leg several times.

Next for stage 3, baubles, I'm not at all hopeful.

Win a Vital Baby steriliser including 3 bottles

I have a Vital Baby microwave steriliser up for grabs. There is a 240ml and 150ml bottle included inside, I have also included an additional 150ml bottle for you.

Item has been removed from the packaging only to be photographed.
Disclaimer - no product or payment has been received. I have purchased products myself.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

ThePrizeFinder - UK Competitions

Win a Space Invaders alarm clock or money box (2 of each available)

Our friends over at 50 Fifty Gifts have given us 2 Space Invaders money boxes and 2 Space Invaders alarm clocks to give away!
Here they are, good luck!

Disclaimer - no payment or products has been received in return for this competition.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

ThePrizeFinder - UK Competitions

Disney Minnie Mouse ride on

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Livs great Aunty bought her this ride on for her Birthday in October:

And she has hardly been off it since!

It plays music, has lots of flashing lights, 2 horns to beep, buttons to press, levers to pull, a key to turn, 4 piano type keys, a 3D Minnie Mouse on the front, a storage area under the seat and a handle so it can also be pushed.

Being a little over safety conscious, my favourite part is this:

It prevents the car tipping up when little one is walking with it, genius!

I would definitely recommend this as a Christmas gift, it has already given Liv hours of fun.

Disclaimer - no payment or product was received for this review, all wording and photography is my own.

MAM starter cup review

Although Liv is 1 now, we agreed to test MAM's starter cup because she doesn't lift her own cup yet, she always brings it to me or Daddy to tip up for her, so I thought this would help us see if it her other cup is too big for her to handle or if she is just that much of a Diva ;)
The cup holds 150ml and is recommended to be used form 4 months onwards, you also have the option of having the cup either free flow or spill free, simply by removing the rubber valve inside.

There is such a pretty little design on the front:

The shape of the mouthpiece is curved which seems a better fit in her mouth than the usual straight kind, it is also quite soft which is handy as Liv likes to give it a good old chew!

Here she is drinking all by herself, YAY!!

Important information: These cups have been developed with medical experts and are BPA free.

Disclaimer - I was sent a starter cup from MAM for the purpose of the review only, no payment was received. All wording and photographs are my own.

The worlds saddest Christmas Tree

For those of you who missed my Facebook post, I have a plan.

I put the tree up last night with no decorations in an attempt to make is as unintetesting as possible to Liv.

People laughed, but so far so good *touches wood repeatedly*

She poked the end of one branch with one finger and has not given it a second glance since!

Charlie is not so easy going, he doesn't trust this big green thing yet, so he is on guard until he is sure it isnt going to attack us :)

Now for stage 2 - lights.

Wish me luck . . . . . .

Win a red shimmer Teething Bling pendant

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

The lovely Teething Bling have given you the chance to win a very festive Red Shimmer Pendant in time for Christmas.

Liv LOVES her Teething Bling pendants and bangles as I'm sure will the lucky winners little one.

Read our review here.

Disclaimer - No payment or product has been received in exchange for this competition.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

ThePrizeFinder - UK Competitions

Win your favourite photo on a 20 by 28 inch Canvas

The lovely Hello Canvas have given you the option to win a lovely  Christmas gift!


I reviewed a Canvas a while ago and we LOVE it, read the review here.

Good luck!

Disclaimer - no payment or product has been received in return for this post.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

ThePrizeFinder - UK Competitions

Stocking filler competition

Sunday, 25 November 2012

I have two sports watches to giveaway to one lucky winner!
One is pink and the other is yellow, both size small.
Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

ThePrizeFinder - UK Competitions

Livs first attempt at painting

Friday, 16 November 2012

And she . . . . hated it!

She tried to wipe it off her hands all over her legs and the look on her face when I put her foot in the paint was hilarious!!

Her masterpiece is now proudly on display on the kitchen door :)

Cosatto Slim Jim highchair goes caravaning . . . .

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Last month we went away for the weekend with my parents in their small 4 birth touring caravan. Knowing how boisterous Liv is now that she can run and climb I was a bit nervous, especially about getting her to sit still to eat.

With us not being able to drive, we had to fit everything we needed for 5 people, plus the 5 people into one car so taking a high chair was not an option, or so I thought!

The lovely Mummy2Five came to my rescue! She is a buddy with Cosatto and had been sent the Slim Jim Popsicle Travel highchair to review and she offered it to us for the weekend, result!

I could not believe how small it was folded when Mr Mummy2Five dropped it off, it slotted in the boot of the car no problem.

It is SO easy to put up and down, I'm talking holding down one button with one hand and unfolding or folding it with the other hand.

It is not only funky and bright (which we all expect from Cosatto) it is sturdy, has a 5 point harness and is fully wipe-able.

Here is Liv enjoying a breadstick :) She is very big for her 1 year and fitted in this very comfortably.

You can read Mummy 2 Five's full review here.

Cosatto Moova Group 1 Hello Dolly Car Seat Review - Guest Post

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Guest post by mummy2five.

Being a Cosatto buddy means I get to put all of their brightly coloured products to the test, I have already put the Yo Golightly pushchair, Hapi Apple 3sixti circle & Slim Jim highchairs through their paces so now it is time to see how the Moova Group 1 Hello Dolly Car Seat performs.

The Car seat arrived & we swiftly set about opening the box, the car seat weighs 5.3kg so R & little T hindered helped mummy to pull the car seat out of its box. We cleared away the box & all stood there to admire her for a short while(all of 5 seconds) before R dived in, she positioned herself in the seat & pulled at the harness for me to lock her in. The Moova car seat has a 5 point safety harness, the 2 shoulder straps have padded covers on which feature the Hello Dolly design & the buckle also has a padded cover attached to the crotch strap. The 5 point safety harness is fully adjustable by pressing down on the safety catch & pulling on the shoulder straps this will make the harness bigger. To make the harness smaller you just need to pull on the adjustment strap until the harness is a snug fit for your baby. 

The Moova is suitable for a child that is 9-18kg, it is forward facing & does have a nice recline on it for when you child takes a nap. When R sat in it in our front room I reclined the seat and said "go sleep" to her, she then closed her eyes & pretended to go to sleep. I really like that the Moova car seat is very well padded, it comes with a removable, reversible  padded seat liner which features the Hello Dolly design on one side & a plain light purple on the other. Having this makes cleaning the car seat much easier, if your children are anything like mine, when they want food they want it no matter where they are sitting so their car seat can sometimes get a little messy so easy cleaning makes a parents like much easier. 

The Moova may look pretty but sheer prettiness is not all it has to offer, it has passed all of the rigorous testing that Cosatto put it through with flying colours, it has side impact protection & is the comfiest car seat I have actually ever touched!. The car seat is really easy to fit(a video will be available soon) & can be fitted in the front or rear passenger seats. The seat sits quite high up too which I find toddlers love because they can see where they are going which means they are more settled whilst out & about.

The Moova group 1 car seat has a  length of 54cm, a width 44cm & a depth 64cm, I put my gorgeous niece in it to try out because she is really tall for her age & she fitted nice & snug in it too, she still had plenty of head room. The Moova can be bought direct from Cosatto for £110 which is excellent value & worth every penny, especially as it comes with a 4 year guarantee.

Please note - This is a guest post, I have not received any payment or product in exchange for this post - Life with Liv.

Chitter Chatters competition

Friday, 9 November 2012

I have two of these cute Chitter Chatters to giveaway, the winners can choose between the Monkey, Meerkat, Penguin or Mouse, good luck!
Chitter Chatters
Noisy, cute and bound to drive you mad!
  Children love toys that have personality and this collection of creatures is bound to prove popular. With their own set of annoying habits, funny skills and hilarious noises they will keep your kids busy for hours.
The Chitter Chatters just love to talk and once you start gossiping they can’t help repeat everything you say! As they get going their heads bob up and down and each animal has their own special voice. Choose from a mouse, penguin, monkey or meerkat and listen to them gabble away at speed! (RRP £10.00)
Please note: All above details were provided. No Payment has taken place for this competition.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

ThePrizeFinder - UK Competitions

Krazy Kats and Annoying Monster review

Liv and I were asked to review two products from 50 Fifty Gifts, we immediately agreed!

We were sent a Krazy Kat and an Annoying Monster to play with :)

Liv took to the Kat straight away, grabbed it and gave her a big cuddle (while still in the box!)
Since they arrived last week, Liv the Kat has spent most of the time being dragged around or on her shoulder having cuddle, super cute!

The Krazy Kat is activated by a small sensor on the front or you can pat her head.

Here is a quick video of her in action, note Liv stealing her back at the end ;)
The monster  however has been pretty much monopolised by Daddy! He thinks it is very funny (probably the bottom burping!) He also likes to record himself saying  "Liv" into the monster by pressing his right hand, he then sets it off behind Liv bless her.
The Monster reacts when you press the swirls or poke him in the eye:

Both the Kitty and the Monster snore if they are left unattended and also have an off switch underneath, we have to switch the Kitty off because Liv likes to take her to bed :)

These have definitely been a hit in our house! I would recommend them as a fun Christmas gift for a child or an adult.

Both items can be purchased from http://www.amazon.co.uk/
Keep your eyes peeled for a competition from 50 Fifty gifts VERY soon.

Disclaimer: The products were supplied for the sake of the review. All wording, photography and videography is my own. No payment was made in exchange for this review.

Liv TV

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Our cheeky Charlie has taken to watching Liv very closely on the video monitor, he sits cocking his head to one side while she sings and barks at us if she cries, as if we can't hear her :)

Bad picture taken in the dark on my phone but you get the idea :)

Love this face so much!

Friday, 2 November 2012

Liv has quite a range of party tricks at the minute, she likes to dance, march, sing and clap.

She can find and show you her tummy, hair and her feet.

She tries to blow kisses and gives the best cuddles in the world, but the one she is going to really really hate me for reminding her about when she is older is the "funny face" she pulls when asked.

While doing it she breathes in and out really quickly through her nose.

It is so funny, and reminds me of Les Dawson, what do you think?