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The toy that is the Bain of my existence!

Friday, 22 November 2013

Liv absolutely loves these 12 little figures. They came in a story book along with a large play mat that all looked so innocent at first . . . .

That was until Liv saw them, from that moment on she has played with them every day without fail, for weeks.

The problem is if I'm not standing or sitting on them I am trying to hunt for one or the other of the flippin things because she has squirrelled it away somewhere for later.

I kid you not when I say that they have been found in places ranging from the rim of a Teddy's hat to underneath the dogs bed.

She also never puts them in the same place twice which is helpful!

She loves them that much that we have bought her a Winnie the Pooh one for Christmas, how much damage could another 12 tiny figures do . . . . 


Hotel Chocolat Autumn Sleekster collection review.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

We have been faced with the terribly hard job of reviewing some gorgeous Hotel Chocolats Autumn Sleekster Selection this month, it's a hard life!

This is the box, aren't they just beautiful? They each have so much lovely detail on them, one is even shaped like a pumpkin!

Almost too beautiful to eat.

The Hubbys favourite was a super cute pumpkin filled with smooth hazelnut praline.

My favourite was this Pistachio praline with cherry pieces and a hint of rose, crowned with a whole pistachio nut.

 As always they were not only beautiful to look at but most importantly divine to eat!
Some of the other choices from this box are, Sloe Gin Truffles, Apple Strudels, Mulled Ports and Egg and Brandy Truffles.
Each image on the menu clearly states if the pictured chocolate contains alcohol, egg or gluten.
Hotel Chocolat say:
"We have a strong ingredients philosophy to only use wholesome, real ingredients and our overall mantra is More Cocoa, Less Sugar.
Suitable for vegetarians"

We genuinely loved this selection, in fact it was our favourite Hotel Chocolat offering so far. I would without doubt recommend these to Family and Friends and will definitely be buying one or two as gifts this year.

Why not pop over to the website to find some lovely Christmas gifts - www.hotelchocolat.com

Disclaimer - we were sent this box of chocolates for the purpose of the review, however all opinion is my own.

The day the soft play area won!

Friday, 15 November 2013

Today we headed off to a local play area with my Aunty and Cousin Kirsty.

Turkey (as Liv calls her) took her shoes off and threw herself into play time with Liv as she always does, climbing, swimming in the ball pit, going down the slide. You name it and she will give it a go.

Until about 30 minutes in when she suddenly yelled out in pain and froze.

Liv immediately offered to get her sucky (dummy) to make it better bless her! Anyway fast forwards lots of pain, a trip to A & E and an x-ray later, thankfully it turned out to be a bad anklesprain and not a break as initially feared.

When asked by her Nanny what she had been doing today Liv replied simply "I broke Turkey" How cute! It made the patient smile too.

Here she is being looked after at home. 

Get well soon Turkey x

My gorgeous Stokke Xplory

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Anyone that knows me knows I have had my fair share of pushchairs since Liv was born.

She is so big that nothing really suited her, that is until we bought this beauty!

It is big enough to fit my giant baby very comfortably, comes with removable fabrics allowing you to wash them, change the colour and add accessories like our gorgeous new winter kit.

My favourite parts are:
1) the footmuff, no matter what the temperature is outside, Liv always comes out of the pushchair toasty warm - every time I am jealous!

2) the furry handmuff. It keeps my hands toasty warm, means I don't have to try to wrestle gloves off when trying to pay in a shop or open the door. It even has a little pocket on top to keep you phone/keys etc in.

Daddy keeps trying to have a go but we don't let him!

My baby turned two.

I know everyone says it but I genuinely do not know where the time has gone since Liv was born.

Two whole years, it's actually quite scary!

Litte Miss was very spoilt by the whole family, Mummy and Daddy were especially pleased that she loved her extremely expensive bucket of Toy Story characters (even if she was a little freaked out at first!)

After a hard morning opening gifts, she wore her new Minnie Mouse dress and shoes to her Minnie Mouse themed party, where she had a lovely cake made for her by her Nana.

This not so little Girl amazes me day in day out, she is so loving and smart and wants to learn everything, even thing way beyond her years!

You are the light of our lives Olivia xx

Hobbycraft Christmas stocking review.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Yes you read that right. Crafts. ME!

I've got to be honest, I was more than a little nervous about this review as I cannot do anything crafty, I was terrible in school and I am terrible today!

My last attempt was to learn to knit when I was pregnant with Olivia. My (ridiculously naturally talented at everything crafty) Sister in Law spent weeks teaching me on a Friday night.

The result? I can knit one pearl one with the best of them. Endlessly. Without it ever actually becoming anything.

I decided to give these stockings a go because I thought it would be nice to have a decoration to put out that I had made and they weren't as difficult to make as I thought they would be.
Surprisingly I actually enjoyed it and I think they have turned out really well, which proves that anyone can make them!

They come with full instructions and everything you need (except for a needle and scissors)
*please note* the gem/button in the centre of the hearts were NOT part of the set, they were found at the bottom of my sewing box.

At only £3 for a pack of 2, why not give them or some of the other Christmas crafts a try, you may be pleasantly surprised like me :)

Disclaimer - I was sent a pack of 2 stockings for the purpose of the review.