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Baba+Boo goody bag at The Baby Show Manchester

Saturday, 1 September 2012

You may have seen that we went to The Baby Show on Friday, I just wanted to show you all the goody bag we had from Baba+Boo, I think its amazing :)

Inside was one of their ever so cute nappies, a trolley token and a brown paper bag called "The Mummy survival kit" (strictly for Mummies - not suitable for little fingers!)

The Survival kit:

Inside was this list of contents, so sweet :)

My tea bag was missing but I took it as a sign that I should have a glass of wine instead . . . . . .

Thank you Baba+Boo, very thoughtfull and generous.


  1. So jealous, I'm a huge Baba + Boo fan, but couldn't go this year to the baby show

  2. Ahh Manchester was good but there was a lot more in Birmingham. I have 2 Baba+boo's at the minute, im going to get a few more and give it a try eeek, any tips more than welcome :)
