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Anyone got a spare pair of eyes . . . .

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Because I need some in the back, left and right of my head.

Today, life with Liv consists of picking up things Liv has ripped up.

So far today a paper, a notebook and a box of tissues.

Lesson of the day: Liv can apparently now reach the top of the changing unit so hiding such items up there is now no good . . .

I am also on escape watch . . . .

Boy am I not getting ANYTHING done today  . . . . . . .  .


  1. Awww she's so adorable! I don'tknow how you cope though - you must be shattered at the end of the day!

  2. Lol, and you can't say anything because she's obviously just so inquisitive. I remember those days well!

    CJ x

  3. Ladies eh is soooo hard work at the moment! Her top front 4 teeth are all cutting at the same time too so she is a bit sad then just goes wild! Handsfull.com :)
