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Livs First Shoes.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Yesterday was a big day for Liv, after starting to take her walker for a run up and down last week, we decided to take her into Clarks for her first shoes!

After being measured as a 4G, the lovely Lady gave us the option of some "cruisers" with a very light soft sole, or some official "walkers" with a soft or hard thick sole.

We decided rather than her learning the feel of the cruisers and then having to get walkers we would go with the softer sole walking shoes, here they are:

Clarks also give you the option to have your Childs photograph taken wearing their first shoes and print it onto a card for you to keep, inside there are spaces to add your Childs name, shoes size and the date, so lovely!

They also do a loyalty scheme, when you buy your Childs next pair of shoes, take in your receipt for the first pair and you will get 5% off, for the third pair you will need to take in the last 2 receipts etc etc, when you go to buy pair number 5, if you have all other 4 receipts with you, you will get 50% off that pair!

The envelope you are given with your first receipt in:

There was also a lovely height chart in a nice folder, all extras we knew nothing about!

I would highly recommend Clarks for your Childs first shoes, they were friendly and professional, we didn't feel rushed or pressured and were extremely happy with the whole experience.

P.S, on arriving home, Liv wriggled to be put down so I stood her up, she then decided to walk about 8 - 9 steps to her walker! My Husband said "Ahh, all she needed was the right shoes" of course, every woman requires a wardrobe full of the "right" shoes :)