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Childcare Jobs That Really Make a Difference

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Working with children is one of the most honorable jobs you can choose and we really don’t appreciate our childcare workers enough. Both parents and non-parents can be blinded by prejudice, frustration or stress and have trouble seeing just how great the people that care for our children are.

So, today we’re going to look at those noble people in our society who help our children grow into the best they can be. Maybe this post will inspire you to follow a new career path, or maybe it will just highlight something you didn’t know – regardless, with any luck it will emphasize the great work these people do.
Nursery Workers 

Nursery workers are some of the lowest paid members of our society, which is a surprise considering they nurture the future generation. Nurseries in general have recently experienced a huge hit due to the recent introduction of a free childcare scheme by the government. These new regulations have caused salaries to freeze around minimum wage, as nursery owners simply can’t afford to give pay raises, it’s quite sad really.

Saying this, it’s far from just the government’s fault for these issues as what led to the passing of the legislation, as well as the state of nurseries before it was passed, is a much wider problem with lots of different variables affecting it. The point stands though, these people do a very important job and barely get paid for it. They have a substantial workload and juggle a variety of different tasks whilst simultaneously looking after your children; we should really appreciate what they do more. 

Class Teachers

After nursery workers have done their work, it’s the class teacher’s job to look after your child on a day-to-day basis. Both primary and secondary school class teachers take on the different but equally challenging role of educating your child in a variety of different subjects, preparing them for the future and adulthood. Arguably, during the school years, your child spends more time with their class teachers than they do with you – or at least more waking hours. During this time, they have to impart knowledge, balance the different learning styles of each student, plan lessons and deliver tests.

Many feel that teachers have it easy because of their increased holiday periods compared to other job roles but what people forget is the extra time that teachers put in. Lesson planning and marking work regularly brings teachers far into the evening, whilst much of those enviable holidays are spent in school preparing for the next term. The truth is, school teachers do a lot of work that nobody sees and so even when they frustrate us parents, we should try to keep this in mind. Even more so because they genuinely care about helping our children reach their potential. An extra reason to be proactive in appreciating teachers is that the number of teachers is actually declining. How will our children grow without teachers to educate them? In fact, if you’re interested in becoming a teacher or are already qualified, there are countless ways to get involved across the country. From Glasgow to Cambridge, school jobs are always available and in demand.

Careers Advisers

Finally, let’s make sure we remember how dedicated our careers advisers are. Sometimes, parents don’t have all the answers, especially when it comes to career paths and university choices. Careers advisers are how our children decide the path they want to take and with that in mind, we should really make sure that careers advisers know how much they are valued.

Often, careers advisers are brushed over in the school conversation as being an extra-curricular detail but without a good careers adviser, how do our children follow their dreams? How do they know what to reach for? They really are invaluable.

Hopefully this post has highlighted some of the struggles that childcare workers and educators go through. We are lucky to live in a country with many schools and even more people dedicated to teaching our children. 

Let’s make sure we appreciate them.