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How to Include Your Dog on Your Wedding Day

Thursday, 26 July 2018

How loving and adorable it would be if your best friend could take active participation in your wedding ceremony? Dogs are lovable creatures which can make you laugh even in the saddest moments. How can you forget your furry friend when it comes to the happiest day of your life?
There have been weddings where people have come up with amazing ideas on how to include pets on thewedding day. Below you can find some ways to justify it.
But before this, it is important to know few things and gather some ideas about your dog. It entirely depends on what type of dog you have and how will it behave on your wedding day. With little preparation, you can manage it all perfectly. 

Plan a Proposal With Your Dog
How cute would it look when your furry friend helps you to pop the question? You can place a ring on its collar or a makeshift bowA different way to ask the most important question you will ever ask!
Include Them in the Engagement Shoot
This doesn’t mean that your pet will accompany you in every single picture. But some classical shots will make the day memorable with your pet. You can put a signboard and get more creative by even placing the engagement ring with your pet. 
What is Necessary to Include Your Pooch on Your Wedding Day?
Dogs are still animals and you can’t judge how they are going to behave in certain situations, especially when you are expecting numerous guests in an enclosed space. You can hire a pet sitter which will look after your pet for the whole day, or ask if someone doesn’t mind keeping an eye on them. Just do not forget to bring food for your fury companion, otherwise it is going to be a long day for them!
Of course, before making such plans, it will be wise to check with the venue that they allow for pets. That is unless you are holding the ceremony or reception in your own back garden, in which case you may want to consider laying down an artificial lawn in order to reduce the damage that can come as a result of numerous guests. You can check this page out for more information. 
Make Your Dog the Ring Bearer or Flower Girl
Dogs are amazing creatures, loved by everyone. Here, you can make your pets wear beautiful leather collars to be a ring bearer for the wedding. Also, you can make them the flower girl by decorating their collar with beautiful flowers
Carry Them With You
If you are a guardian to small dogs, then carry them along with you at the wedding venue. Create a beautiful bucket and carve them with flowers or bouquet. Everyone present at the ceremony will adore your idea and creativity. 
Pet-Inspired Cake
If in one or the other case, if your pet pooch is unable to accompany you, don’t worry as pet inspired cake will include them in your ceremony. This gesture of love will truly inspire your partner and the guests about your love for your pet.