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I managed to save our end table!

Monday, 24 March 2014

Around 4 years ago we paid £60 for a hardwood laminate covered end table to fit into a small space at the end of the sofa.

Fast forward to 2014 and it has seen too many spillages to count, been attacked by a two year old and looks generally battered and beaten.

It actually looked a lot worse than this!
We have been looking for something to replace it with for a few Months now, but as it is quite a small space, we haven't had any luck. 

Being the least crafty person in the world, I told myself it would be too big a job to re-cover it, but as time went on and we realised we couldn't find anything similar, I thought - what have we got to lose?

I searched on line for self-adhesive vinyl in a Beech colour and found a very similar shade for £4.50 posted.
When it arrived I measured and cut the size I needed, then peeled back a small section of the backing, lined it up and carefully stuck it down, gradually peeling and sticking by using a wiping motion to prevent bubbles.

It literally took a couple of minutes and looks like new!
I was honestly amazed! Even better, this vinyl is waterproof so Livs drink spillages and car races are no longer damaging the finish.

I'm so glad I gave it a go.

I would love to hear if you have rescued or recovered anything.