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The toy that is the Bain of my existence!

Friday 22 November 2013

Liv absolutely loves these 12 little figures. They came in a story book along with a large play mat that all looked so innocent at first . . . .

That was until Liv saw them, from that moment on she has played with them every day without fail, for weeks.

The problem is if I'm not standing or sitting on them I am trying to hunt for one or the other of the flippin things because she has squirrelled it away somewhere for later.

I kid you not when I say that they have been found in places ranging from the rim of a Teddy's hat to underneath the dogs bed.

She also never puts them in the same place twice which is helpful!

She loves them that much that we have bought her a Winnie the Pooh one for Christmas, how much damage could another 12 tiny figures do . . . . 


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