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Playfoam review

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

What is playfoam I hear you ask? It is very hard to describe, the best way I can think to explain it is try to imagine the small balls of polystyrene you have left from packaging mixed with coloured (what feels like) tacky pva glue - completely mess free and non-toxic.

It's very clever because despite being slightly sticky to touch, it doesn't actually stick to anything like play dough does. It is removable from carpets without combing or cutting :) fully moldable (as shown below with my attempts at a flower and rabbit/cat creations!) and non - toxic.

We have kept it in an old sweet box for several weeks and it has not dried out at all.

The eight colours you receive.

Playfoam is recommended for age 3+, even though Liv is only 20 months she has really enjoyed playing with it, she loves to squash it in her hands and poke her fingers into it, all of which aids sensory perception and fine motor skill development, she seems to prefer it to her clays and has only tried to taste it twice!

I would recommend this product to family and friends.

Disclaimer - we were sent some Playfoam for the purpose of the review, however all wording and opinion is my own.


  1. Looks interesting. Is it anything like moon dough as I hate that stuff?!

  2. Very helpful review! Thank you xx

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