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Halloween outfit 2012

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Here is a sneak peak of Livs Halloween outfit this year:

Unfortunately she is having an embarrassing moment with her dress stuck in her undies, but luckily she is wearing her pretty Baba + Boo zebra stripe nappy :)

Her dress is age 3 - 4 eeek!! She isn't even 13 months yet.

Here she is last year, seems like yesterday

What are your little one dressing up as this year?

*Note* No product or payment was received for this post, all wording and photographs are my own.


  1. Ahh thats adorable. Jack's forst Halloween. He will be a Pumpkin :) x

  2. Aww hiw cute, my Nephew was a pumpkin his first Halloween, nice and cosy too! We don't go trick or treating, we have a little family party for the kiddies so she will be toasty warm in her not very Autumn like clothing! Enjoy :)

  3. That's adorable. She looks so sweet!

    1. "Looks" is the right word, don't be fooled hehe
