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Back to school stationary essentials.

Friday, 2 September 2016

With back to school school just around the corner, and Liv starting school full time next week, I thought I would share with you some of our essential stationary buys to help both you and your little one.

Liv went to Nursery last year but before she started we had this book which she absolutely loved practicing her letters in. She was very comfortable writing her full name free hand when she started Nursery - result!

Priced at just £2

For encouraging school starters to get practicing writing, I recommend an attractive lined paper notebook. Liv is obsessed with pink and Girly so this caught her eye immediately. It really does help them a lot to get them used to writing on the lines.

Priced at just £3

Next are these easy grip pencils. It's surprisingly difficult for little ones to grip a pen or pencil correctly, with the brightly
coloured easy grip addition, these pencils are perfect for 
helping encourage the correct grip for writing.

Priced at just £1

Next up is very important - a diary for Mummy/Daddy. Once your little one starts school, the letters for events, non uniform days, holidays etc soon start flowing in and are very easy to lose track of. To help prevent your little one being the
one in uniform on sports day, please get yourselves a diary :)

Priced at just £3 

Last but by no means least are these fab storage bags. Every so often your a Children will start bringing home paintings, colourings, models, certificates and more. If you are like me you won't want to throw them away, but they soon start to fill drawers and turn your house into a Child's art 
gallery! We now have a few things up and swap them when more comes in, these storage cubes are the perfect way to 
store all of the memories you can't bear to part with!

Priced at £6 each or 2 for £10

Why not check out the full range with back to school at The Works.

Brought you in association with The Works.