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Valentines Day with Poundland.

Monday, 8 February 2016

As I'm sure you all know, this Sunday is Valentines day - anyone else feel like it was literally *just* Christmas and now we are half way through February?!

Anyway, last year Daddy surprised Liv and I with a lovely Valentines Day breakfast. For almost a whole year, Liv has asked and asked for another one so we are ready prepared this year.

The first place I thought of was Poundland, knowing I couldn't get in to town any time soon, I placed an order with Poundland online for some lovely goodies delivered straight to my door, for just £4 postage and packing - less than the bus fare it would cost me and far less stressful than going out in the wind and rain with a 4 year old!

Here is what I ordered:

2 plates with poppy decoration - £1 each
2 placemats & 2 coasters - £1 for the set
1 red charger plate - £1
1 candle - £1
1 thread your own, felt heart banner - £1 
1 gift bag - £1

Totaling just £7!

As you can see it makes the breakfast table look lovely! 

I got a little creative and cut off 7 starts and some ribbon to make a wreath to encircle the candle, it looks lovely and really finishes off the table well.

There is more of this lovely range in store including heart shaped cups, glasses, napkins and more.

Why not surprise your loved one with a Poundland Valentines table? You are sure to earn some relationship points!