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Megson "When I was a Lad" review

Friday, 8 March 2013

We were recently sent a folk CD by a Husband and Wife team called Megson. They were inspired to create this album after they became a family themselves in 2011.
They have a King Charles just like us!
Now I have to be honest, I have never had a Folk album in my life but Liv is a big music fan so I thought we would give it a go.
Liv went into her dance routine as soon as the music started, instant hit!
I was pleasantly surprised as soon as it started playing it has such a soothing sound, it is very unobtrusive, happy to just play in the background rather than being loud and ridiculously over the top happy like so many other Children's songs.
I very quickly found myself singing along to some songs that we recognised like Oats and beans and barley grow and 5 little ducks. Some of the lyrics are funny too which would be a plus point for older children.

For tour dates or to buy the album for just £10, pop over to their website.

Disclaimer: I was sent this CD for the purpose of the review, all opinion is my own.