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Salt Dough hand & footprint decorations

Sunday, 2 December 2012

We decided to have a go at salt dough for our first craft project. I am not very crafty at all and was a bit nervous but it was very easy!
We just popped a cup of flour and half a cup of salt in a bowl, gradually mixed in half a cup of water and kneaded it for about 5 minutes into a ball.
(If the dough is a little too sticky add a bit more flour and if it is too dry a little water.)
I rolled the dough to about 3/4 of a cm thick, cut a rough circle out of the dough, pressed Livs hand in, trimmed the unused dough, made a hole for the string using a straw then left to dry for a couple of days on some greaseproof paper.
When they were dry I sprayed them with some silver spray paint, fed through some fishing wire, added a few beads I had lying around and hey presto!
Easy peasy ;)

I love the detail it has, all of the little creases and even part of her prints.


  1. LOVE this. I know what I'm doing next weekend. Thanks for the tip - this is awesome.

  2. Awww have fun, they are lovely to keep :)
