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Krazy Kats and Annoying Monster review

Friday, 9 November 2012

Liv and I were asked to review two products from 50 Fifty Gifts, we immediately agreed!

We were sent a Krazy Kat and an Annoying Monster to play with :)

Liv took to the Kat straight away, grabbed it and gave her a big cuddle (while still in the box!)
Since they arrived last week, Liv the Kat has spent most of the time being dragged around or on her shoulder having cuddle, super cute!

The Krazy Kat is activated by a small sensor on the front or you can pat her head.

Here is a quick video of her in action, note Liv stealing her back at the end ;)
The monster  however has been pretty much monopolised by Daddy! He thinks it is very funny (probably the bottom burping!) He also likes to record himself saying  "Liv" into the monster by pressing his right hand, he then sets it off behind Liv bless her.
The Monster reacts when you press the swirls or poke him in the eye:

Both the Kitty and the Monster snore if they are left unattended and also have an off switch underneath, we have to switch the Kitty off because Liv likes to take her to bed :)

These have definitely been a hit in our house! I would recommend them as a fun Christmas gift for a child or an adult.

Both items can be purchased from http://www.amazon.co.uk/
Keep your eyes peeled for a competition from 50 Fifty gifts VERY soon.

Disclaimer: The products were supplied for the sake of the review. All wording, photography and videography is my own. No payment was made in exchange for this review.


  1. Awww I love the kitty. We've had to have our reall pussy cat rehomed (due to allergies). Maybe this would be a cute little compromise? x

    1. Ahh thats sad :( It is very cute, Liv loves it! x
