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Wednesday 9 May 2012

So, big day yesterday, Olivia was 7 months, she cut her second tooth and said Daddy!!

We have been having DADADADA for weeks but she really said it, she also said NICK the other night randomly, we don't know anyone called Nick so not getting hopes to high yet ;)

I really don't know where the last 7 months have gone! Time is flying by and I'm pretty sure it is going to slow down any time soon!

Here is a pictures of me on my due date, I was induced 11 days over in the end but couldn't face taking any more pictures lol

The first thing I can honestly recommend is a crib, we had a swinging crib for the living room and a moses basket in our bedroom, for the first 8 weeks of her life Liv had TERRIBLE colic, anyone who has been through it will probably wince at the thought, horrible for the poor babies.

She LOVED to be swung in the crib, it really calmed her when nothing else would, great purchase.

(Note one of the 3 fans in our living room, pregnancy in Summer, not good for the temperature, plus our nosey King Charles Spaniel checking it out, if only he knew how his life was about to change lol)