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About us

My name is Andrea and this is my blog about life as a first time Mummy to Liv (born 2011).
Also in our house is Livs Daddy, our King Charles Spaniel and our Cockatiel.
Before having Liv I was a PA but I am currently very proud to have the opportunity to be a full time Mummy thanks to my Husband working full time.
We are very PR Friendly and are happy to be approached for opportunities to review a product, place or service. We have quite a large extended Family who are also happy to help with reviews etc.
I love to give a little back to my reader when I can in the form of competitions, which I am usually happy to host in return for the same product being sent to us to keep.
We love to chat and are more than happy to be contacted, please feel free to email at lifewithliv@live.co.uk